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Kirjat ja Oppaat

Perinteinen topokirja on monesti vielä ylivoimainen valinta reissuseuraksi, vaikka puhelintopot yleistyvätkin. Eikä myöskään mikään voita sadepäivien viettoa teltassa, hyvää kirjaa lukiessa.
Korouoma - Kiipeilyopas rotkolaaksoon
Korouoma - Kiipeilyopas rotkolaaksoontreelineshop€15,00
9 out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes
9 out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakestreelineshop€25,00
The American Alpine Journal 2019
The American Alpine Journal 2019treelineshop€33,00
Chamonix Crag Climbs
Chamonix Crag Climbstreelineshop€40,00
Running Hard
Running Hardtreelineshop€15,00
No Bad Waves: Talking Story with Mickey Muñoz
No Bad Waves: Talking Story with Mickey MuñozPatagonia€44,90
Closer to the Ground by Dylan Tomine
Closer to the Ground by Dylan TominePatagonia€34,90
Mountain Bike Finale Ligure
Mountain Bike Finale Liguretreelineshop€34,90
Lofoten - Rother Walking Guide
Lofoten - Rother Walking Guidetreelineshop€17,00
Leonidio 2018 edition
Leonidio 2018 editionCordee€49,90
Hypothermia, Frostbite and Other Cold Injuries
Hypothermia, Frostbite and Other Cold InjuriesCordee€19,90
Mountaineering First Aid
Mountaineering First AidCordee€16,90
South Lake Tahoe climbing
South Lake Tahoe climbingCordee€24,90
Red River Gorge South
Red River Gorge SouthCordee€35,90
Red River Gorge North (5th Edition)
Red River Gorge North (5th Edition)Cordee€33,90
Joshua Tree Rock Climbs
Joshua Tree Rock ClimbsCordee€45,90
Indian Creek: A Climbers Guide
Indian Creek: A Climbers GuideCordee€42,90
High on Moab
High on MoabCordee€42,90
Banff Rock
Banff RockCordee€44,90
Terradets climbing topo guide (Spanish language)
Terradets climbing topo guide (Spanish language)Cordee€22,90
Mallorca Sportclimbing
Mallorca SportclimbingCordee€34,90
Sicily Rock (2016 Edition) sport climbing
Sicily Rock (2016 Edition) sport climbingCordee€34,90
Ogliastra, Sardinia
Ogliastra, SardiniaCordee€22,90
Malopasso - climbing in Campania
Malopasso - climbing in CampaniaCordee€35,90
Climbing Routes in the Sarca Valley
Climbing Routes in the Sarca ValleyCordee€34,90
Climbing in Bergamo's Valleys
Climbing in Bergamo's ValleysCordee€34,90
Peak District Bouldering
Peak District Boulderingtreelineshop€31,90
Mello Boulder
Mello Bouldertreelineshop€39,90
Golden Boulders (Hampi)
Golden Boulders (Hampi)treelineshop€46,90
Bleau En Bloc
Bleau En Bloctreelineshop€47,90
The Calling - Barry Blanchard
The Calling - Barry BlanchardPatagonia€34,90
Mont Blanc Supercracks
Mont Blanc Supercrackstreelineshop€35,90
Yosemite in the Fifties: The Iron Age
Yosemite in the Fifties: The Iron AgePatagonia€59,90